Friday, June 1, 2007


Ebay, amazon, other runescape/hacking websites. These sites are a familiar place to buy and sell items gold, and hacks suck as the macro
Yes these are all great but...they are not as good as a stat changer. Stat changers mean you don't have to do anything at all. is specially made for Runescape. Unfortunately the bot takes up 42 gigs of space, because of all the internet files that need to be downloaded onto your desktop. Fortunately since it is a bot, you can just send your information to it and it automatically changes all your stats to level 91 (or basically any other skill you want set, you can have one skill set to 99 and the others left alone, etc.) combining the use of macro-technology, and the copying of internet files. Macro-technology means a bot does something for you. So what that basically means is that you send your information to the bot, and it automatically changes your stats for you. That means no human-eyes never see your information. Just the bot. If you cannot believe what you are hearing, then that means I guess your not an audio-learner. Fortunately I have a video of the Bot doing it's magic. Here is the link. Video of StatChanger

So all you need to know is send your information to
Your information means your current highscore rankings, so the bot can understand how far you are changing you levels up.(The level that you want to change must be at least 40 so that Jagex does not realize that you are hacking. Any accounts who do not comply with this will be rejected by the bot. If your skill level is above 40 it is impossible for Jagex to find out about it.)
Members may have a very small risk of being detected because Jagex actually watches members. You will also need to send your username and password, so the bot can log in and change your skills.(Don't worry, human eyes will never see your highscores or username and password, because it is sent to the bot.) You will also need to put what skills you want to be changed, and what level to be changed to.
Have fun pwing Zezima, and other high levels!!! Contact the author of this site at to ask questions, or just leave a comment on the site.


Runekill99 said...
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Anonymous said...

yea it works i got mine from